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Far Beyond


Men’s Quartet score: $20.00 US
Accompaniment track: $10.00 US

I said temporary goodbyes to a lot of friends in 1991. Paul Steele, our pastor, died of a particularly virulent and manifestly inoperable cancer, and high school friend had a painful passing from the same. My grandmother passed away due to congestive heart failure.

Although I dedicated this song to the other two friends and their spouses, it just as much was to contemplate the other deaths which touched my life that year. Amber Allen Swift and Bob Franklin were special friends in different ways. And while I don’t really understand just why God chose to take all these people out of my life that year, I have the abiding confidence that we’ll all see each other again someday soon, and that we’ll do so in the presence of our Lord.


Far beyond – the ways of God are past our understanding,
Far beyond – from the first to last He’s greater than we see,
So when circumstances push you to the limits of your faith,
Look beyond them – far beyond them – and trust Him faithfully.

When the world a-round is troubled, and forsakes its sanity,
When your conflicts are redoubled, and all seems vanity,
Remember God holds everything within His mighty arms,
That in spite of dangers all about, He’ll keep you safe from harm.

When you meet with desperation and your life seems a loss,
When you suffer tribulation and bear the Savior’s cross,
Remember God has full control every minute of each hour
And the One who rose up from the dead will keep you by His power.

Purchasing this score gives you permission to print and maintain the number of copies needed by your ensemble – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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