Return to Eight-Bell Christmas

De Drie Koningen

This is a Flemish Epiphany song from the 15th or 16th century. For us, it elicits pictures of the Magi and their long, long journey taken in hope of finding the Christ Child.

Laatst waren er drie Koningen wijs
Zij reisden alover het sneeuwwit ijs
Al over’t land
G’heel triomphant,
Om Jesus te zoeken;
Dien weerdigen pand.
Zij kwamen met ketels en trommelen aan,
Zij kwamen met ketels en trommelen aan.
De engel die sprak sing Joseph toe:
“Vlucht naar Egypten met Jesus zoet,”
Herodes die kwam
Met een groot gespan;
De ezel die vluchtte,
Maria die zuchtte,
Sint Joseph die troostte z’in hare droefheidl.

Herodes ontbood kleen ende groot,
Alle die bloedjes ze slagen z’al dood.
Wie heeft ooit gehoord
Van zulk een’ moord?
D’onnozel herten
Vol herten en smerten
Zij wierden in hunder bloed gesmoord.

Late, three wise Kings afar off did go.
A journeying thro the keen frost and deep snow.
All through the land, Joyfully came,
For Jesus they sought then, enthrall’d by His fame.
The drums sound their march as they quickly drew near,
The drums sound their march as they quickly drew near.
Thus to Saint Joseph an angel did say,
“To Egypt now speed thee, nor fear to obey.
Herod comes nigh, Vengence to reap.”
Fast journey’d the ass while Mary did weep.
St. Joseph did comfort the Maid in her tears,
St. Joseph did comfort the Maid in her tears.

Came the dread word that little ones all
Should straight be cut off or taken in thrall.
What ear hath heard, What heart can tell,
Aught of the fearsome deeds that befell.
Such tender lambs robb’d of dear life at a word,
Such tender lambs robb’d of dear life at a word.

Church Calendar: Christmas, Epiphany


Standard Version:
”Dual-Range”™ Score Package: $7.00 US
G5-based practice track: $2.00 US
F5-based practice track: $2.00 US

Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell group (plus the accompaniment score, if part of the purchase) – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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