Jesus es Mi Rey Soberano (MI REY Y MI AMIGO) – for eight handbells

Isn’t it amazing that the King of Kings wants to be our Savior … and our Friend? It’s our joy to make our eight-bell arrangement of this hymn available.

Jesús es mi Rey soberano,
Mi gozo es cantar su loor;
Es Rey, y me ve cual hermano,
Es Rey y me imparte suamor.
De jando su trono de gloria,
Me vino a sacar de laescoria,
Y yo soy feliz,
Y yo soy feliz por El.
Jesus is my sovereign King,
My joy is to sing your praise;
He is King, and he sees me as a brother,
He is King and he gives me his love.
Leaving his throne of glory,
He came to take me out of my debt,
And I am happy,
And I am happy in Him.