He Leadeth Me (AUGHTON/HE LEADETH ME) – for eight handbells

Making progress in the Christian life isn’t about hacking our own path through the jungle; it’s about following the path God lays our for us. Our eight-handbell arrangement of this long-beloved hymn is perfect for Good Shepherd Sunday!

He leadeth me: O blessed thought! / O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, where’er I be, / still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.

He leadeth me, he leadeth me; / by his own hand he leadeth me:
His faithful follower I would be, / for by his hand he leadeth me.

Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, / sometimes where Eden’s flowers bloom,
by waters calm, o’er troubled sea, / still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.