New Freebies

We have new free stuff for those of you who’ve been buying our eight-handbell music – binder cover pages! It occurred to us that having all of our scores in “one neat pile” wouldn’t be as good as having a way to divide them into several binders. So if you have binders with front covers into which you can slip a cover page, we have cover pages for you to use!

Here are preview links:

  1. [sg_popup id=”11271″ event=”click”]”Standard” Eight-Bell Pieces:[/sg_popup]
  2. [sg_popup id=”11273″ event=”click”]”Standard” Eight-Bell Christmas Pieces:[/sg_popup]
  3. [sg_popup id=”11275″ event=”click”]”Surprisingly Easy” Eight-Bell Pieces:[/sg_popup]
  4. [sg_popup id=”11277″ event=”click”]”Surprisingly Easy” Eight-Bell Christmas Pieces:[/sg_popup]