Advent’s in Full Swing!

This coming Sunday will be “Advent 2” (imaginative, yes? 😀 ). It’s the second of the four Sundays before Christmas. It’s a season of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child, and many churches put a lot of effort into making it something to remember.

If you participate in the music ministry at your church, you know what I mean. Choirs are learning loads of music, and in many places even the children are rehearsing a drama presentation to thrill their parents (as well as the rest of the congregation). I remember, fondly, many years of learning and directing Christmas cantatas at churches I’ve attended.

For those of us who are handbell musicians, the holiday season can be even more active. That’s because there are opportunities to play in many other places – seniors’ communities, Christmas parties, and even family gatherings – that are added to our normal church commitments. If you’re in a community handbell choir, you almost certainly are putting on a series of concerts as well.

Now and then we’ve heard from friends, though, that they have only a handful of handbell ringers available for their Christmas Eve services. And they’ve also told us that our music for eight bells (and twelve-bells, and sixteen bells) has made it possible for them to keep the music going right up to Christmas morning (well, technically, midnight at the end of Christmas Eve when that Very Special Service ends in candlelit, thoughtful darkness). If you’re need some music to play with smaller numbers, we invite you to take a look!

No matter what, though, we wish you a wonderful Advent and Christmas, and hope the Savior who came to give life to this world will bring bright and hopeful light to your heart.